PWC Landfill Increase

Effective January 1, 2024, the Prince William County Landfill will implement a landfill tipping fee of $40.00 per ton for regular refuse disposed of by waste haulers and commercial users. Currently, there is no charge for regular refuse from waste haulers and commercial users.
This means that Patriot Disposal will be incurring an additional cost to provide trash removal services, which has not previously been accounted for in our rate structure. As a result, your contracted rate with Patriot Disposal for trash removal services in Prince William County will increase effective January 1, 2024.
Additional information and FAQs regarding the implementation of this fee is available at
Please contact your Patriot Disposal sales representative for specific pricing information as it pertains to your current contract with Patriot Disposal.
As always, we appreciate the opportunity to provide trash and recycling services for your community and/or commercial business.