Residential FAQs

Residential collection times vary, our crews begin at 5:00 a.m. in Prince William County, 6:00 a.m. in Fairfax County and 6:01 a.m. in Loudoun County. The exact time that the truck arrives at your home will vary, therefore we advise homeowners to have all items out at the curb the night before your collection day.
If you do not know the service day for your residence, please call our office. You can also ask a neighbor or check your HOA’s website to locate this information.
Regular household trash is refuse generated as a result of normal everyday living in the home. Some materials do require alternative methods of disposal. For a list of acceptable vs. non-acceptable materials, by County, follow the links below:
In accordance with County recycling regulations, materials that are acceptable for curbside recycling include:
- Glass: bottles, jars
- Metals: aerosol cans, aluminum foil and trays (must be clean), aluminum cans
- Paper: books, boxes (cereal/cracker/frozen food boxes), cardboard, cartons (juice, milk), catalogs, envelopes and mail, newspapers and newspaper inserts, shredded paper, phone books
- Hard Plastics and Lids: bottles, buckets and pails, food containers (must be clean), jugs, plastic cups, plates and bowls.
The following items should not be placed in your recycling container:
- plastic bags or liners
- coat hangers or wire
- diapers
- drinking glasses or dishes
- Styrofoam cups
- Plates
- takeout containers or packaging
- light bulbs
- needles
For a complete list of acceptable vs. unacceptable materials, by County, please follow these links:
Small furniture made out of fabric and/or wood and bed frames may be put out for collection with your regular trash. However, larger items such as furniture, mattresses, carpet and appliances require special handling. Please call the office to set up a special pickup, additional fees may apply.
Patriot Disposal is prohibited from collecting carpet, plywood, 2x4s and other items that are considered to be construction debris with the regular trash. If you have any items for collection that are the result of remodeling or rebuilding, please call the office. We may be able to schedule a pick up of these items for an additional fee.
Yard waste is defined as grass clippings, leaves, or bush/hedge trimmings resulting from normal maintenance of your yard. Please place your yard waste on the curb in brown paper yard waste bags or un-bagged in a personal container clearly marked ‘yard waste’ on both sides of the container.
Patriot Disposal will also collect tree trimmings so long as they are cut into four-foot lengths, with each limb or piece of brush no larger than four inches in diameter, and tied in small bundles with rope or twine. Each bundle can be no larger than two feet in diameter.
Yard waste does not include stumps, rocks, dirt, sod, gravel, mulch, whole trees, or clean-up from storm damage. Collection of these items may be provided for an additional charge. Customers who have any of these items for removal should contact our office for an estimate.
Patriot Disposal collects yard waste that is on the curb throughout the entire year in accordance with County regulations. For more information about set-out requirements and pickup days please contact our office.
Patriot Disposal collects yard waste that is on the curb throughout the entire year. Our yard waste collections follow local county regulations, for more information about container requirements and pickup days please contact your county.
Yes, we encourage our customers to mark your Patriot Disposal containers with your address, either with permanent marker or paint, so that you can easily identify which container belongs to you. You should also keep a record of the serial number of your container.
An additional 96-gallon, 64-gallon or 32-gallon trash container can be rented from Patriot Disposal for a one-time fee of $45.00, which can be paid over the phone with a credit card or debit card.
Yes, we do take moving boxes. To be recycled, the boxes must be flattened to 4 foot by 4 foot pieces. We will take approximately 30 boxes per home per pickup.
Syringes and needles should be placed in a thick, hard plastic bottle (such as a detergent bottle) with a secured lid before placing them in a trash bag or container. To ensure the safety of our crews, syringes and needles or any sharp items should never be disposed of in plastic or paper bags.
Please check with your neighbors to see if someone has accidentally claimed your container as their own. If you are unable to locate your container, please call the office and request a delivery for a replacement container. The following additional fees apply:
- 96 gallon container for $75.00
- 64 gallon container for $50.00
- 32 gallon container for $50.00
Service requests can be placed by using this form or contacting our offices directly by phone at (703) 257-7100 or by email at
There is no trash or recycling collection on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, or any other collection day when the refuse and recycling facilities are closed. If a designated collection day falls on one of these holidays, please visit our Holiday Schedule page under “Contact Us” to see when your next scheduled pickup will be.
In observance of Memorial Day and Labor Day, our office is closed however our crews will continue regularly scheduled trash and recycling collection. To ensure collection on these holidays, please be sure to place your containers curbside the night before.
Patriot Disposal will make every effort to provide services when the weather is inclement. Services will be suspended or canceled in the event that we consider the roads unsafe for travel by our vehicles. In the event that inclement weather prevents Patriot Disposal from providing service on a regularly-scheduled collection day, announcements will be posted on our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Trash collection service will resume on the next regularly-scheduled trash collection day, and recycling collection service will resume on the next regularly-scheduled recycling collection day, road conditions permitting.